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Development of Bluetooth Connectivity for Medical Equipment

Creating a software product that enables instant connection between specialized medical equipment and personal or specialized devices.

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Development of a Feature for Medical Equipment

Three months of work, countless hours of communication, and proactive testing of all possible Bluetooth libraries. This is how we remember the project of developing specialized medical software that integrated specialized equipment with portable devices for patients and clinic staff. 

Learn how BuildApps experts implemented the project!

About the Client

The manufacturer of medical equipment approached the BuildApps team, wanting to connect their gadgets to mobile devices. This would allow both staff and patients to connect to sensors and receive comprehensive health information quickly.

Consequently, this meant developing a special solution for Android, iOS, and MacOS with the integration of wireless connection technologies, as well as creating low-level software for the equipment itself.

Just a Feature or Something More?

It would have been a feature if we had only configured the connection protocol, but the BuildApps team implemented a full-fledged digital product. Moreover, over almost three months of work, we closely communicated with equipment developers to prepare the project thoroughly and integrate all the necessary features requested by the client.

We also fine-tuned the algorithms of library operation, achieving maximum efficiency in terms of energy consumption/productivity ratio.

What We Did

Firstly, we prepared the groundwork by selecting a library for implementing Bluetooth connectivity. We chose Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), which allows for faster implementation of cross-platform systems for setting up channels and communication algorithms between devices.

As for alternatives, the other libraries turned out to be too expensive in terms of development, had certain limitations, or simply were not suitable for implementing this IT solution.


The collaboration resulted in validating the idea, as well as the development of software for medical equipment that connects it with portable devices. Thanks to this, the client presented their product to investors, secured funding, and is now preparing for mass production of Bluetooth-enabled equipment.

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